


1. ....一致(符合)

correspond to(with)

= be in harmony(agreement, line) with

= consist with

2. ....不一致

don‘t agree(consist) with ...

= ...be at variance with ....

3. 習慣於...

be (get) used to Ving

= be accustomed to Ving

= be in the habit of Ving

= accustomed oneself to Ving

4. ...沒關係;....無關緊要

It doesn‘t matter whether .... or not

= It is of no importance whether .. or not = It makes no difference whether ....or not

= It makes no odds whether .... or not

= It is all the same whether .... or not

= It is all one whether .... or not


be fast approaching

= be around the corner

= be (near) at hand

= be drawing near

= be near by


know= be aware of = be conscious of

= be sensible of = be cognizant of

7. ....為傲

be proud of= pride oneself on

= take (a) pride in

8. 專心於....

be devoted to Ving

= be absorbed in Ving

= be engrossed in Ving

= be bent on Ving

= be wrapped up in Ving

= be engaged in Ving

= be immersed in Ving

= be indulged in Ving

= be preoccupied with Ving


= devote oneself to Ving

= apply oneself to(in) Ving

= give oneself (up) to Ving

= bury oneself in Ving

= lose oneself to Ving

= indulge oneself in Ving


= have(keep, set) one‘s mind on

= give one‘s (whole) mind to

9. 忙於....

be busy with N. = be busy (in) Ving

= address oneself to = occupy oneself with

= keep oneself occupied in

10. 害怕....

fear = be afraid(terrified, frightened) of

11. 前往....

leave for = start for = head for= set out for

= set forth for = be bound for= be destined for

12. 關心....

care about = be concerned about (for, at)

13. AB組成

A be composed of B = A be made up of B = A consist of B = B constitute A = B make up A

14. 必須....

must V = have to V= need to V

= be bound to V= be required to V

= be obliged to V= be supposed to V

15. 能夠....

can V = be able to V

= be competent to V = be capable of Ving

16. ....有關

be concerned with = be connected with

= be involved with = be related to

= be relevant to = have something to do with

= have connection with

16. 引起....;導致....;造成....

cause = lead to = bring about(upon, forth)

= result in = give rise to = call forth

17. ()因於....;乃是因為....

come from= result from = derive from

= originate from = stem from = be due to

= because of

18. 喜歡....

like = be fond of = care for = take to = delight in

=take delight in = go in for

= take(have) a fancy to(for)

19. 缺乏....

lack = be short of = be devoid of

= be destitute of = be lacking in

= be wanting in = be deficient in

20. 位於....

stand on(at) = lie in = be situated in(at)=

be located in(at)

21. 控告......

accuse of = chargewith

22. 坐下

Sit down. = Take a seat. = Seat yourself. = Be seated. = Sit yourself down.

23. 記住

remember = bear … in mind

= keep … in mind

24. 充當

act as = serve as = function as

25. 同意(贊成)…()

approve of = agree to = consent to

26. 反對....

oppose = object to +N/Ving = be opposed to N/Ving = be against

27. 要求

demand(require) = ask for = call for

= beg for

  1. 照顧

take care of = care for = look after

= attend to = see to = watch over

29. 注意

pay(give, turn) attention to

= pay(give) heed to

= take notice(heed, note) of

= attend to = look to = see to

30. 歸因於

owe … to … = attribute … to

= refer … to

31. 支持

support = back up = stand by

= side with = take part with

32. 遵守

Follow (observe) = abide by = stick to = live up to

33. 小心

be careful of = beware of = take care against= be on one's guard against

34. 打斷

interrupt = break in = cut in

35. 結束

end = bring to an end

= put an end to = make an end of

  1. 甦醒

revive = come to = come round

= come around= come to one's sense

37. 偶然遇到

bump into = come across

= come into = come upon= run across

= run into= hit (up)on= chance (up)on

= happen to meet= chance to meet

= meet … by chance(accident)

= meet …accidentally(unexpectedly)

= meet with

38. 拜訪()

visit = call on = pay a visit to

= pay a visit = look up

39. 打電話

telephone= call up= ring up

= give ... a call = give … a ring

= give … a buzz

40. 了解

make out = figure out = catch on (to) = get at

= get on to

41. 依靠

depend on = count on = rely on

42. 貢獻

devote … to … = dedicate …to ..

43. 發生

happen(occur) = take place = come about

= come off = go on

44. 生效

take effect = come into effect(force)

45. 在於

consist in = lie in

46. 區別AB

distinguish A from B

= distinguish between A and B

= tell A from B

= tell between A and B

= know A from B

= know between A and B

= tell A and B apart

47. 不能

fail to V = be unable to V

= be not capable of Ving

48. 報仇

get even with = take revenge on = have revenge on

= revenge oneself on

= be revenged on

49. 痊癒

get over = recover from

= get rid of

51. 發出味道

give forth = send out= smell of = reek of

52. 實行

realize = put … into practice= bring … into effect

= carry out

53. 洩漏

reveal = give away = let on

54. 尋找

look for = search for = hunt for

= be in search of

55. 小心!

Look out! = Watch out! = Be careful!

56. 重視;強調

emphasize = stress = place emphasis on

= put emphasis on= make much of

= make account of = make a point of

= think much of = think well of

= think highly of= think a lot of

= have a good opinion of

= have a high opinion of

= attach importance to

57. 輕視

despise(scorn) = look down upon

= look down one's nose at = make little of

= make light of = make nothing of

= make no account of = make no count of

= think little of = think nothing of

= think meanly of = think badly of

= think less of = think scorn of

= have a low opinion of

= have a poor opinion of

= have a bad opinion of= have a mean opinion of

= be scornful of

58. 堅持

insist on = persist in

59. 開玩笑;嘲弄

ridicule = make fun of = make sport of

= play jokes on = play tricks on = play a joke on

= play a trick on

60. 利用

take advantage of = make use of

= make the most of = put … to use

= bring … into play = turn … to account

= avail oneself of …

61. 突然想到

suddenly thought of … = It occurred to

= It struck = It came into 's mind

= It entered 's mind

= It crossed 's mind

= It flashed upon

62. 渴望

long for = desire for = pine for

63. 忍受

tolerate = endure = bear = stand= put up with

64. 克服

overcome = get over = conquer

65. 放火燒

set fire to… = set … on fire

66. 儲存

put aside = put away = lay aside

67. 調查

Investigate = look into = see into

= inquire into = search into = go into = spy into

= check (up) on

68. 出發

set out (for 地方) = set off (for 地方)

= leave (for 地方) = start (for 地方)

= set forth (for 地方)

69. 熬夜

sit up = stay up = wait up

= burn the midnight oil

70. A 代替 B

A substitute for B = A take the place of B

= A take B’s place = A replace B

71. AB相像

A resemble B = A look like B

= A take after B = A have a resemblance to B

72. 考慮

consider = take … into consideration

= take … into account

73. 可憐

take pity on = have pity on = feel pity for

74. 寫下

write down = put down = take down = jot down

= take a note of = take notes of = make a note of

= make notes of

75. 說服......使去做....

persuade to V

= persuade into Ving

= talk(argue) into Ving

= prevail on to V

76. 勸阻

persuade not to V

= talk out of Ving

= discourage from Ving

= dissuade from Ving

77. 認為

consider (to be) = regard as …

= think of as … = look upon as …

= recognizeas = acknowledge as …

= reckonas … = put down for …

= set down as … = take for …

78. 自己賺錢維持學業

work one’s own way through

= make one’s way through

= put oneself through

79. 阻止........去做.....

prevent from Ving = keep from Ving

= stop from Ving = prohibit from Ving

= deter from Ving= hinder from Ving

= restrain from Ving = forbid to V

80. 穿衣服

wear 衣服 = dress oneself in 衣服

= be dressed in 衣服= clothe oneself in 衣服

= be clothed in

81. 適合

suit = fit = be suitable for

= be fitting for = be becoming to


scold = blame = call down = call names

83. A B的特色

A characterize B = B is characterized by A

= A is characteristic of B

84. 出現

appear = show up = turn up

85. ()舉行(事件)

事件take place = hold 事件

= 事件 be held


  1. 從前

once = in the past = at one time

= once upon a time = formerly

2. 起初剛開始的時候

at first = in(at) the beginning

= from(at) the outset= at the start = originally

3. 不久

soon(presently) = before long= by and by

4. 後來

later = later on = afterwards

5. 最後終於

Finally = at last = at length = eventually
= in the end = in the long run

6. 到目前為止

so far = as yet = up to now

= until now = up to this time

= to this day = up to the present time

7. 目前;現在

now= nowadays= presently

= at present = at the present time

= for the present = for the time being

8. 遲早有一天

sooner or later = some day(time) or other

9. 今後

in future = from now on = henceforth

10. 最近

lately= recently = of late (pt, have +pp)

11. 在此同時

meanwhile= meantime = in the meanwhile

= in the meantime

12. 結果;所以

therefore = hence = thus = consequently = accordingly = in consequence = as a result

= as a consequence = for this reason

= because of this = on this ground

13. 然而;但是

however = still = nevertheless = nonetheless

14. 更有甚者;而且

besides= moreover = furthermore

= in addition = also = what's more

15. 幾乎

almost(nearly, practically)

= next to = all but = as good as

16. 尤其

especially(mainly) = above all

= in particular = particularly

17. 畢竟;終究

after all = in the end = in the long run

18. 非常....

very 形容詞 = all 抽象名詞

= 抽象名詞 itself

例: very kind= all kindness= kindness itself

19. 突然

suddenly = all of a sudden = all at once

20. ....等等

and so on = and so forth = and the like = and so like = and all that = and what not

21. 一點也不....;決不....

not at all= not a bit = not in the least(slightest)

= far from = anything but = by no means

22. 事實上

actually = as a matter of fact = in fact

= in effect = in reality = in truth

= in actuality = in practice = in point of fact

= as it is

23. 無論如何;不惜任何代價

whatever may happen(come)

= come what may = at any rate

= at any cost = at any price = at any risk

= in any case = in any event = at all costs

= at all rates = at all risks = at all events

= by any means = on every account

24. 頂多

at best = at most

25. 一般說來

generally(mostly) = generally speaking = roughly speaking = in general = by and large = on the whole

= on the average = for the most part

= in the main = all in all = first and last

26. ()

as you please = at will = at your pleasure

27. 有時;偶爾

sometimes(occasionally) = at times

= (every) now and then = (every) once in a while

= now and again = off and on (on and off)

= on occasion = every so often

28. 時常常常

often(frequently) = as often as not

= more often than not

29. 就全部來說

altogether = as a whole = at large

30. 當然,一定

certainly(surely)= of course = for sure

= by all means = without fail

31. 千萬;務請

for God‘s sake = for Goodness‘ sake

= for heaven‘s sake = for mercy‘s sake

= for pity‘s sake

32. 決不

never = by no means = in no way

= under(in) no circumstances

= in no case = on no account

= for no reason

33. 一點點()…

somewhat = a little (bit)= sort of = kind of

= in a(one) way = in a(one) measure

= to some extent = in a sort = in a sort of way

34. 簡言之

briefly = in a word = in one word

= in brief = in short = to be brief

= to be short = to summarize

= to make a long story short

= in a few words

35. 總而言之

to sum up = to conclude = in conclusion

36. 立刻

immediately(instantly) = right away(now) = at once = in no time = in an instance= in twos = at a word

= at a moment‘s notice = off hand= by the hand

37. 首先第一

to begin with = to start with

= first of all = in the first place

38. 最重要的是

most important of all = above all

39. 也就是說

that is = that is to say = namely

= in other words = to put it differently

40. 當場

on the spot = on the scene= in the act = at the place = then and there

41. 一致

altogether = to a man = as one man

= as a whole = with one accord

= without exception

42. 不知怎樣地

somehow = in some way

43. 無疑地

beyond question = without question

= out of question

44. 無法形容地

beyond description = beyond expression

= beyond words = cannot be described

= cannot be put into words

45. 徒勞無功地

in vain = to no avail = of no avail

= without avail = with no result

= to little purpose

46. 傾你全力地

as hard as possible = as hard as you can

= the best you can = with all your might

= to the best of your ability

47. 逐漸地

gradually = little by little = step by step

= inch by inch= by degrees

48. 永遠地

forever(permanently) = for good

= for ever (and ever) = for ever and a day

49. 自願地

willingly, voluntarily

= of one‘s own will(accord)

= by one‘s own wish

50. 詳細地

fully = in detail = at large = at (full) length

51. 為什麼?

Why …? = For what ..?= What.. for?

= Why is it that S + V ?

= How come S + V ?

= How did it come that S + V ?

= How comes it that S + V ?

52. in + 抽象名詞 = 副詞

in earnest = earnestly

in despair = desparingly

in public = publicly

in surprise = surprisedly

in amazement = amazedly

in private = privately

in time = early enough

on + 抽象名詞 = 副詞

on purpose = purposely, intentionally

on time = punctually

on schedule

on duty

with + 抽象名詞 = 副詞

with care = carefully

with diligence = diligently

with patience = patiently

with ease = easily

with calmness = calmly

53. 令人

To one's 情緒名詞, …

To my surprise, …令我驚訝的是

To my amazement, …令我驚異的是

To my astonishment,...令我驚愕的是

To my joy, …令我高興的是

To my delight, …令我高興的是

To my satisfaction, …令我滿意的是

To my contentment, …令我滿意的是

To my relief, …令我鬆口氣的是

To my disappointment,令我失望的是

To my regret, …令我後悔的是

To my dismay, …令我驚慌的是

To my despair, …令我絕望的是


1. 精通於....

be at home in= be versed(proficient, skilled) in = be expert(skillful) in(at)

= be good(clever) at = be master of

2. 負責....

A be in charge of B

= A be responsible for B

= A be liable for B

= B be under A‘s charge

3. 茫然不知

puzzled, perplexed, bewildered

= be at a loss = be at sea

4. 感謝...人因.....

be thankful to for ....

= be grateful to for ....

= be obliged to for ....

= be indebted to for ....

5. 落伍的

old-fashioned = out of date= out of (the) fashion

= behind the times

6. 重要的

important = of importance = of account

= of consequence = of moment

7. .....著名的

be famous for = be well-known for

= be noted for = be celebrated for

= be distinguished for = be outstanding for

= be prominent for

8. A中充滿了B .

A be full of B = A be filled with B

= B fill A

9. 切題的;中肯的

relevant; pertinent = to the point

= to the purpose = to the subject

10. 節省用....

be economical of = be frugal of

= be thrifty of

11. 討厭....

be tired of = be sick of = be fed up with

= be bored with = be weary of

12. 易於....

be prone to = be apt to = be liable to

= be inclined to = be subject to = tend to

13. 某物值得....

be worthy of Ving = be worth Ving

= be worthy to be pp.

= It is worth while Ving

= It is worth one‘s while to V

14. 知道

be aware of = be conscious of

= be sensible of

15. 一塊的....

a piece of coal()

a lump of sugar()

a cake of soap(肥皂)

a loaf of bread(麵包)

16. 一群的....

a group of people

a herd of cattle()

a flock of sheep

a team of horse

a drove of pigs

a pack of dogs

a swarm of bees(ants)

a school of fish

a bevy of larks(雲雀)

a game of whales(鯨魚)

a flight of swallows

17. (1) 很多的 + 可數不可數名詞均可

a lot of = lots of= plenty of= heaps of = a heap of

= quantities of

(2) 很多的 + 可數名詞

many, numerous = a (large, great) number of = a great(good) many of = quite a few= not a few

(3) 很多的 + 不可數名詞

much = a good(great) deal of = a large quantity(amount) of= quite a little = not a little

18. of + 抽象名詞 = 形容詞

of value = valuable

of (great use) = useful

of not use = useless

of much help = helpful

of importance = important

of courage = courageous

19. in+(度量衡)抽象名詞=形容詞

in length = long

in height = tall, high

in breadth = broad

in width = wide

in depth = deep


1. about: (行動或感情)關於

have no doubt about her honesty的懷疑

show no grief about her husband’s death 悲傷

his anxieties about his work 的擔心

have little curiosity about anything 對 好奇

show no concern about(for, in) their children 的關心

2. against: 反對;碰;逆著;抵抗;對照;為做準備

(1). 反對

make a charge against him 的控告

have a prejudice against new ideas 反對的偏見

a lot of proof against him 不利的證據

protest against the new law 的抗議

the reason against doing that 反對的理由

a countrywide boycott against Japanese products …的抵制

a campaign against drugs 的運動

(2). 逆著¸抵抗

a race against time 趕時間

take insurance against traffic accidents 投保

an excellent protection against the sun 抵抗的防禦物

impose economic sanctions against the offending nation 施予制裁

(3). 做準備︰

take caution against error 小心以免

a precaution against theft …的預防

3. at︰對著(目的目標);朝著方向;因為

(1). 對著(目的目標);朝著方向

have a glance at the pretty girl 一瞥

take a look at what he was writing 一下

take good aim at the target 瞄準.

his first attempt at English composition …的嚐試

(2). 因為

her envy at my success ()的忌妒

expressed his regret at not being able to come 的歉意

show disgust at seeing snobbery 表示厭惡

her surprise(astonishment) at his clothes 驚訝

(3). 擅長

an expert at mining…的專家

(4). (到達)在場

your presence at Thursday's meeting 出席

his arrival at the party 到達

4. between︰在兩者或數者之間分享;分配

the agreement between the two parties 


  • the balance between work and play 

  • 兩種之間的平衡

  • the battle between the two countries 

  • 兩種之間的戰役

  • no connection between these events 

  • 兩種之間的關聯

  • no clear distinction between the two 

  • 兩種之間的區別

  • great friendship between the two families 

  • 兩種之間的友誼

  • a choice between two possibilities 兩種之間的抉擇

  • the misunderstanding between us 兩種之間的誤會

  • the contrast between these two sisters 之間顯明的差別

  • the comparison between the twin sisters 兩種之間的比較

  • the difference between spaghetti and noodles 之間的差別

  • a football match between Manchester United and Liverpool 之間的比賽

  • a strong resemblance(similarity) between them 之間的相像

5. for︰對而言;因為;為了的理由;(感情)()的願望;的喜好;的才能;時間空間金錢能源給用;的用途;詳細內容是

  1. 而言 no match for him 非其對手

  1. 因為

  • receive punishment for what you have done 而受罰

  • the penalty for murder …的懲罰

  • assume no responsibility for his failure 負責

  1. 為了

  • no hurry for the book 急著要.

  • his request for promotion 的要求

  • make a search of the forest for the child 尋找.

  1. 的理由

  • no cause for complaint …的理由

  • have much ground for complaints ….的理由

  • the reason for his absence …的理由

  • have no warrant for saying so …的理由

  • your excuse for being late 的藉口

(5). (感情)()

  • have admiration for their English teacher 欽佩

  • have affection for her children 的愛心

  • make an apology for being late 道歉

  • show his appreciation for my help 的感激

  • has aspirations for fame 的渴望

  • have no consideration for others 的體念

  • show his contempt for the criminal’s behavior 輕視

  • show(feel) pity for the poor 同情.

  • has no regard for anyone else 關心尊重

  • showed no regret for what he had done 的歉意

  • feel no remorse for what he did 後悔

  • have great respect for our principal 的尊敬

  • have great reverence for the mayor .的尊敬

  • show no shame for her laziness 感到羞恥

  • show no sorrow for his crime難過

  • express her sympathy for the unfortunate child 憐憫

  • show zeal for his teaching 熱心

  • have enthusiasm for election 熱愛

  • have a fancy for this little café 喜愛

(6). …的願望

  • have a strong thirst for knowledge 渴求

  • Best wishes for a Happy New Year. …的願望

  • his desire for going abroad 的願望

  • have longing for passing the JCEE 渴望.

  • have ambition for that distinction 的野心

(7). …的喜好

  • have no taste for classical music 的愛好

  • have a preference for English novels 較喜愛.

  • have a fondness for Chinese literature 喜愛

  • have an inclination for travelling …的嗜好

  • his liking(fancy) for TV 的喜愛

  • crazy love for music 的喜愛

(8). …的才能

  • have ability for writing 才能

  • have no capacity for self-protection 的能力才能

  • have a good eye for beauty 能鑑賞

  • have a genius for language 有的天賦

  • have all the qualifications for the job 有資格

(9). (時間空間金錢能源)

  • the charge for repair 的費用

  • no necessity for anxiety的需要

  • no need for anxiety …的需要

  • an occasion for laughter …的時機

  • an opportunity for hearing him talk …的機會

  • no room for me in the car供給的空位

(10). …的用途

  • have no basis for such a belief 的根據

  • a temporary substitute for the manager …的替代者

  • a volunteer for the task 的志願者

  • the strongest candidate for Taipei Mayor …的候選人

  • make a plan for his trip …的計劃

  • make preparations for your trip 作準備

  • make provision for your old age 作準備

  • a good remedy(cure) for headache的藥

  • a lousy excuse for being late…的藉口

6. from:免於...;遠離;(方向狀態)…

(1). (方向狀態)…

  • make a complete recovery from his heart attack 恢復健康

  • get an order from a large company 來的訂單

(2). 免於...;遠離

  • have freedom from anxiety 免於

  • protection from the rain 保護以防

  • graduation from senior high school 畢業

  • absence from the meeting 沒參加

7. in︰在方面

(1). (信任)方面

  • absolute belief in herself …的信心

  • have confidence in himself 對有信心

  • have faith in him 相信

  • put his trust in luck 相信

(2). (範圍) 方面

  • the plane’s delay in arrival 方面延誤

  • make progress in his studies 的進步

  • have a share in that company 有股權

  • perform an experiment in chemistry 方面的實驗

  • a pain in my stomach 的痛

  • success(failure) in the JCEE …的成功(失敗)

  • increase(decrease) in population 的增加(減少)

(3). (能力才能)方面

  • wonderful ability in languages 的能力

  • experience in dealing with such matters …的經驗

  • a graduate in engineering ….學科的畢業生

  • my interest in her welfare 的興趣

  • show proficiency in teaching English 精通於.

  • Alice’s taste in clothe 的鑑賞力

  • his remarkable skill in carving…的技術

(4). (性格)方面

  • perseverance in little things 堅忍

  • have persistence in carrying it out 堅持

  • have pleasure in accepting your invitation 為樂

  • take delight in exercising 喜歡

  • have a defect in personality 方面的缺點

  • constant indulgence in gambling沉迷於

8. into(探查)進入

  • give me new insight into the poem 洞察領悟

  • make investigation into the murder 調查

9. of︰屬於;從之中;來自;關於;對

(1). 屬於

  • an attribute of a good student 的本性

  • the cause of the accident …的原因

  • a feature of this district ….的特徵

(2). 之中;來自

  • a graduate of Taiwan University …學校的畢業生

  • a man of the people 來自的人

(3). 關於

  • his admission of his guilt 承認

  • freedom of speech …的自由

  • have an air of importance 的樣子態度

  • give up hope of finding the lost child …的希望

  • an opportunity of hearing him talk …的機會

  • have the pleasure of accepting your invitation 為樂

  • have proof of that man’s guilt對的證據

  • keep track of all your expenditures 的痕跡

  • a master of kung-fu 大師

(4). (朝向)…

  • Mary’s envy of her sister ()忌妒

  • the villagers' fear of an earthquake 的恐懼

  • make a search of the forest for the child 搜尋.

10. on︰在上;關於;對(方向)


  • put emphasis on childhood education 的強調

  • put stress on childhood education 的強調

  • leave no impression on their readers 留下印象

  • have influence(effect) on(upon) young people 影響

  • our dependence on our parents 的依賴

(2). 關於

  • an authority on tax matter 方面的權威

  • have a discussion on art …方面的討論

  • new evidence on the matter 關於的證據

  • express my opinion on political situation 方面的意見

  • her outlook on life 關於.的看法

  • his criticism on the riot 關於的評論

  • deliver a lecture on the development of the country 發表了的演講

  • make an experiment on the animals 關於做的實驗

  • no comment on his performance 關於的評論

(3). ;朝方向

  • make an attack(assault) on the enemy 發動進攻

  • make a raid on(upon) the hotel 的突襲

  • perform an operation on Mr. White 動手術

  • a joke on him 開的玩笑

  • have mercy on him 憐憫

  • take(have) pity on the orphans 同情

  • bring shame on his family 使蒙羞

  • have my revenge on my enemy 報仇了

  • levy a tax on his people 課稅

11. over︰統治¸控制¸支配

  • have no control over her children 的控制

  • have great influence over the local authority 有勢力影響力

  • have great power over the president 有影響力

  • gain supremacy over our opponents 的最高權

  • its triumph(victory) over its opponents 戰勝.

12. to︰變成;對而言;朝向;關於;為了用的(表示附屬所有);與相比;對表示敬意;接觸到to + V 當形容詞用

(1). 變成

  • have an inclination to laziness…的傾向

(2). 而言

  • a danger to society 是危險人物

  • a credit to our country …的光榮

  • a menace to his neighbors 的威脅

(3). 朝向

  • an obstacle(obstruction) to success 朝向的障礙

  • the entrance to the cave …的入口

  • the key to the mystery的關鍵

  • give attention to your lessons專心

  • give my kind regards to your parents 問候

  • a first step toward personal independence 朝向的一步

(4). 關於

  • an alternative to your suggestion 有選擇或變通的餘地

  • have an answer to my letter 的回答

  • his attitude to(toward) this question 的態度

  • his blindness to his own shortcomings 不知道

  • receive a reply to my application 的答覆

  • make no response to my letter 的答覆

  • have no reaction to your words 的反應

  • young people's indifference to the aged 的冷漠

  • have no objection to your seeing her off 反對

  • make a claim to this umbrella 要求對的所有權

  • the only solution to the problem 的解決之道

  • no exception to the rule 的例外

  • show no gratitude to my help 感激

  • his opposition to our plan 反對

  • take a dislike to any dishonest means 厭惡

  • have a right to a minimum amount of leisure time …的權利

  • no limit to that child’s imagination 的限制

  • a witness to the accident …的證人

(5). 為了用的;表示附屬¸所有

  • the key to the lock …的鑰匙

  • receive an invitation to the party 接到去的邀請

  • the preface to a book …的序言

(6). 相比

  • a sharp contrast to white skin 成為明顯的對比

  • has a great resemblance to his father 相像

  • his likeness to his father 相像

(7). 表示敬意

  • a monument to the war dead 表敬意的紀念碑

  • under obligation to your master 承受的恩惠

(8). 接觸到

  • exposure to cold 暴露於

  • She is heir to her father’s fortune. …的繼承人

  • have access to the equipment 能接觸(使用)…

(9). to + V 當形容詞用

  • have the ability to do the work有能力

  • no cause to complain …的理由

  • an occasion to laugh …的時機

  • an opportunity to hear him talk…的機會

13. with︰與一起;與作對;關於

(1). 一起

  • take equal share with them 分享

  • have an interview with the applicant 會面

(2). 作對

  • have a quarrel with the superintendent 爭吵

  • have a fight with my brother 打架

(3). 關於

  • What’s the matter with you? 的困難

  • What’s the trouble with you? ()困難

  • What’s the problem with you? ()困難

  • have much trouble with spelling 有困難

